WOW Carpet Cleaning

Sticky Mark removal by WOW

Our commercial client had applied tape to their office carpets to ensure social distancing.  Once removed the heavy duty tape left sticky residue. Could our team remove it?  Just look at the results!

As many businesses have done in recent months, our client had used tape on the carpets, to mark one way systems and ensure social distancing.  Whilst this strategy helped to keep the staff safe at work it had consequences for the carpet!  Once removed the heavy duty tape had left a layer of sticky residue.  The tape marks were difficult to remove and the client was concerned about causing damage to the carpet.  Our team of trained carpet cleaning specialists were called in to assist with the sticky mark removal.  Using a gentle but effective process our team were able to remove the sticky residue, leaving the carpets clean and mark free.  The team are now planning to return to site to remove the sticky marks throughout the other areas of the building.

Our highly trained team will liaise with the site management to attend site at times that will cause the least disruption to the day to day work of the site staff.


Before cleaning the mark is clearly visible and the sticky mark is attracting dirt.



After cleaning the sticky residue is removed and the mark has completely gone





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