WOW Carpet Cleaning

Reception Carpets – clean, fresh and welcoming

Our team visited this large office premises in Chandlers Ford to clean the reception area carpets. The problem? STICKERS!

Stickers applied to the carpet to ensure social distancing had now been removed.  The removal of the stickers had left a dark, sticky residue on the carpet.  It wasn’t a good look so our customer called us in to clean the reception area carpets.  After setting out yellow safety cones to clear the work area, our team got to work.  The team were able to completely remove all trace of the sticky marks and cleaned over the whole reception area carpet to ensure a great finish.  Our customer was thrilled, the area looks as good as new, clean, fresh and welcoming to staff and clients.


Before cleaning the grey carpet had dark, sticky marks where tape had been applied to ensure social distancing.  Once removed the tape had left a sticky residue.


After cleaning, all residue is removed.  The carpet is carefully cleaned, removing all residue but also removing any dirt buildup from the pile ensuring a hygienically clean and fresh result.


Regular carpet cleaning in a commercial premises prolongs the life of the carpet.  Periodically removing the build up of dirt keeps the carpet clean and fresh.  It also makes it easier for the day to day cleaning team to maintain high standards – cleaning to this building is supplied by our parent company T&H Contract Services Ltd, for our full list of services please visit






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